Archive for 2015

A Short of Parasailing! (adrenaline junkie)

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[November, 13rd 2015]

Setelah melaksanakan serangkaian aktivitas yang cukup melelahkan, hari ini saya dengan beberapa rekan-rekan mengunjungi salah satu water sport di Tanjung Benoa untuk rehat sejenak. Rombongan satu, yang terdiri dari saya, Kak Abi yang berasal dari Jakarta, Kak Aziz dan Kak Fitria yang berasal dari Malang. Kak Abi masih dengan sibuk menerima panggilan dari klien terkait kasus yang ditangani serta untuk persiapan menjadi key speaker di acara AYE pun berakhir duduk dan hanya menonton kami bermain. Hahaha.
Kami memutuskan untuk mencicipi parasailing secara individu di tempat ini. Tersedia juga parasailing untuk dua orang (group per fly).
Setelah memakai seluruh peralatan, akan diberikan intruksi ringkas mengenai tata cara dan teknisnya. Kemudian kami memakai parasut terbuka dan sedikit berlari dari pesisir pantai untuk kemudian di tarik oleh speed boat.
 (taken by Kak Aziz)

 Kak Aziz on Air!
 (taken by Kak Aziz)

 Left to Right: Kak Aziz-Kak Fitria

Parasailing Preparation

Menariknya, ketika sudah mengudara, saya seperti melihat lensa keindahan laut dengan model helicopter views. Deskripsinya tidak akan seindah mata yang melihat secara langsung. Sayangnya, saya tidak mengambil gambar saat di udara. Kita dapat melihat hamparan luas lautan yang indah beserta gradasi dark blue-light blue, gugusan pantai, pasir, boats, pondok-pondok jalanan, pepohonan dan lain-lain. 

Sampai jumpa Kak Aziz, Kak Fitria dan Kak Abi! Selamat kembali ke realita!


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because blessed are those who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing.

2.28 AM

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It's 2.28 AM here and I feel like I want to jump into my keyboard to write it. Now I know I'll enjoy the sense of writing in the midnight like this. The topic is my perception about real conversation.

Since I never make a limit for what I've learned, I always starving to getting wider from what I've been before. Because, for me, there is no boundaries, no restriction of any knowledge. I love heard or scrutinize people's perspective or opinion, just because it's kinda interesting to dive into what's on their head, how they see and think about something. Feel like we plunge to it.

When I was a kid, sometimes I slept with my mom and my dad, and started from it, we always discussed many things, such as how's my day, how's my mom handled her job as a today, or even how about my school, friends, or what kind of game I played today. It was  favorite time to me because we all have spent our time differently and in one night, we just felt like we have been trough the day together. When I became a teen, the discussion no longer held on my parent's room, but it still go on. My mom mostly talked about the future, school, course, life (I really mean life), my teenager's life such as hanging out, karaoke, dinner with my peer group, love, and so on. We always opened up each other, I never got afraid to tell or asked anything to her, since she was a good bestfriend nor a best listener.

And it just became my habit. When I was in JHS, I met some friends that I loved to spent my time with. We called our real conversation Pillow Talk. As it named, we discussed anything before we went to sleep. As they were sleeping next to me, we just talk with no fear, no limit. I thought that when we were kid, some stuff that we discussed mostly about how's the life we're going, forgiving, kindness, faith, books, movies, our hobbies, and passion. As we grow up, it enlarge became real-life, ego, economics, sociology, industry, gender, violence, environment, tools in problem solving, perception, figure, etc. Accidentally, we are from different background, so it give many colors to our discussion. There will always be conclusion and lesson learned from what we've been talking about. On the other side, it will teach us how to open our mind to people's principle, views, and opinion. There will never be a commotion in forum since we didn't force our perspective and we respect of people's opinion and argumentation. It's kind a theoretical thing in school, but in this case, we are practice to learn how to appreciate people and learn how to be a listener, started from small things.

The point is, I feel it enlightened me to discovering  their perception. The conversation are completely focus, and we are enjoying every second of it. The conversation successfully reached the point where anything, even the time is no longer able to interfere us, which is rare. It's truly precious, having conversation so deep, intense and powerful that you just feel you've made love. You feel completely naked.

I did love real conversation, and I still do.

He's officially graduated!

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After finished one of requirements on 7th smester (I will tell it on the other post), I go to draft column of this blog and seeing some of my unfinisihed writings and I really need to edit all of these, so I decided to wrote what's happened today.

Today is my brother's graduation. Accidentally, I've been trusted to be one of committee to the essential ceremony.
My brother has successfully through his bachelor degree of Electrical Engineering for 4 years, which is timely. On my perspective, He wasn't books-journal-reader-junkies yet nerdy or even college-student-jerks but He always did it well. He spent most of his time to playing games at home (oh! I really mean "most of time" here for sure), but when it comes to college, he just totally out. His project that named Helm Charger for Teknologi Tepat Guna, collaboration with region government and some high school student was passed in and bring it to national competition in Kalimantan, 2014. I don't know what to say but I would like to guarantee that he's so damn good on his way, a huge-passionate-engineer. He was flaming for what he did, I feel like he has the energy that born from his passion and it reflects to the way he thought about it, he saw about it, and he felt about it. It simply radiated. Is there anything cooler than meet to someone who lit the fire on their passion? No, I don't want lay on thick, just because he's a brother of mine. Precisely, because what I see on his daily routine at home as one roof, but he was successfully prove to us who he really is.
Tommorrow, he will go back to work at Bandung. He said that he had controller projects that need to be accomplish due the deadline.

He said to me, that one day he will go back to college, he will be a lecturer and  make something, to prove his capabilities of what he has lived in formal-non formal education will enlightened and useful for people.

Dear Bro, I may not walk a same path nor the same beginning with you, but you know exactly that we will always walk side by side.
(this message to you who has been confusing some of optional, you know whatever it is, if it's good and make you happy, I will support you no matter what).

Proud of you! Xx

Your Lil Sist